27th ERVO Meeting

Countless times we have heard our congress guests stating this is the best congress I have ever attended! We believe this speaks volumes about how ideal the Faroe Islands are as a congress destination.

State-of-the-art facilities combined with adventures in our stunning natural surroundings, immersion in our rich cultural traditions, and the genuine warmth of our hospitality all come together to create a truly comprehensive experience.

At 62°N, we have the knowledge and experience to handle every practical aspect of conference planning and organization.

Why not let us handle the coordination, so that you and your colleagues can focus on your area of expertise?

With 62°N as your coordinator, you can trust that your conference will be successful and memorable – both for you as the host and for your guests.

“Hosting an international water congress for the first time was an exciting yet occasionally challenging experience for us at Jarðfeingi. When 62°N came on board as our travel agency, they greatly eased the burden and provided outstanding, prompt service from the very beginning. No task was too large or too small, and everything was handled with professionalism. Their expertise was crucial to the congress’s success”

Barbara B. Hansen and Óluva R. Eidesgaard – Jarðfeingi // 1st Islands Water Congress 2024

+298 34 00 60 / 34 00 82


+298 34 00 60 / mice@62n.fo